Showing 25–30 of 30 results

Weber ASP 560 D derinding and defatting machine

Όπως και οι υπόλοιπες μηχανές της σειράς, η ASP 560 συνδυάζει την τεχνογνωσία και την κορυφαία ποιότητα κατασκευής του...

Weber ASP 560 Derinder

Well-rounded: The ASP 560 derinder was designed specifically to process round cuts such as ham, shoulder and haunch.

FAM Tumble Drum

The tumble drum gently mixes all powders, flavours and cheese blends on to the shredded/grated product

GLASS VSM Turbo Vacuum Tumbler line up to 2700lt capacity

A tumbler suitable for the processing of sensitive raw materials like fresh meat, fish, fruit and vegetables, as well as...

Glass VAS line of Mixer, Emulsifier, Granulators up to 1000lt

This machine is capable of mixing, homogenizing and emulsifying raw materials such as fresh meat, fish, fruit and vegetables...

FAM Powder Dispenser

The powder dispenser disperses/dispenses cellulose, herb or other additives to the product over the dogleg conveyor.